Join the 4th edition of Eastreet – unique project dedicated to street and documentary photography from the region of Eastern Europe. The Open Call runs from 12 June until 28 July 2017, don’t miss it!
Eastreet is one of the biggest initiatives promoting photography from (broadly defined) Eastern Europe. Almost 20.000 photos were submitted to the previous editions by the authors from around the world. We’ve selected and presented close to 300 photos by the authors from 22 countries, during past editions. The fourth edition of Eastreet will have its premiere on 20th October in Lublin, Poland. Once more we would like to have a closer look at human presence within the public spaces of Eastern Europe, through the photos documenting the unique moments, ideas or symbols. We are looking for candid photos which can help us to visually describe the region, present its current state and unique qualities, but also photos that will encourage us to look at Eastern Europe beyond stereotypes, borders and differences.
The goal of Eastreet is to create a diverse portrait of the complex region through the photography exhibition and book publication. Photos selected by a group of Curators will be presented in a form of a gallery exhibition, as well as an additional outdoor installation in the Lublin city space. We will also publish a special book presenting all the selected photographs together with authors’ bios. Each author will receive the book from us free of charge, by post, soon after its premiere at the exhibition opening. The publication will be also distributed within a specially selected group of international institutions, galleries, artists and curators.
The opening of Eastreet 4 will take place on 20 October 2017 at the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures in Lublin, Poland, but the exhibition will be traveling after the initial show comes to an end. We’ve presented the previous exhibitions at the Organ Vida Festival in Croatia, Kolga Festival in Georgia, Odessa/Batumi Photo Days, also in France, Belgium, and as a slideshow at the Angkor Photo Festival in Cambodia, in Thailand and other locations. So far approximately 20.000 people have visited Eastreet in total. We would like to reach as wide audience as possible to promote the photography and photographers from Eastern Europe and present their work to galleries, curators, festivals and other institutions.
The idea of Eastreet is constantly evolving. We would like it not only to be an art event, but also to become a platform for communication, education and inspiration for the photographers working in the region. This is why the forthcoming edition will be accompanied by a series of educational events – professional practice workshops and lectures (more details and dates will be revealed soon). Eastreet is a community-based event and we would like to invite you all to participate and create it together with us. If you have any ideas, suggestions or questions regarding Eastreet, feel free to contact us.
If you need some inspiration for the Open Call, please see the photos from the previous editions: Eastreet 3, Eastreet 2 and Eastreet 1.
We are counting on your photos and we would like to invite you to join us at the opening weekend in Lublin, Poland in October. Also, we kindly ask you to help us spread the idea and the Open Call – to share it with your friends, please use the links below:
Please read the following guideline and send the submission before the 23th 28th July 2017. You will find the link to the Submission Form at the bottom of this page.
- The Open Call runs from 12th June until 23rd July 2017 (midnight EET). Deadline extended: 28th July 2017
- Participation in the project and submission of photos is FREE.
- We will contact the selected authors and publish the list of names by 23 August 2017 .
- We accept all photographs documenting the public space of Eastern Europe (see countries list below). Especially photos belonging or related to the street photography genre, which we define as candid photographs of human (or traces of human presence, activity, environment, etc.) taken within the public space. Photographs should not be a series, but individual, single images, containing a unique moment, capturing the spontaneous scene or meaning, and be open to interpretation.
- We accept photos taken in the (broadly defined) Eastern Europe. The author’s home location is not relevant – we accept the work of photographer from around the world.
- List of applicable countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Georgia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine.
- There is no specific time frame in which photographs should be taken, but we prefer contemporary photographs presenting the current shape of Eastern Europe, so we suggest to submit the photos taken after the year 2000.
- There are no specific technical requirements – we accept pictures taken in any formats and with any devices, including mobile phones, as long as the file format allows us to print the work at least in A5 format.
- One person can submit up to 10 photos.
- We only accept images in JPG format, the longer side 1200px, 72dpi, up to 1MB per one image.
- Each submitted photo should be named according to the scheme: NAME_SURNAME_PLACE_YEAR_NUMBER.JPG (where “PLACE” is a country where the photo was taken, “YEAR” is the year when it was taken, “NUMBER” is an ordinal number, if needed – 1, 2, 3, etc.).
- In order to upload the photos, the application form requires Adobe Flash Player – check.
- By submitting photos to the Eastreet project, you confirm that you are the author and the owner of the rights to the photographs and that you own a version of the file in print quality, which can be delivered to us by 5th September 2017 (if your work is selected to participate in the project).
- We take seriously your copyrights and we declare that your intellectual property will be respected and protected during the Eastreet project and we will not claim the rights to your work.
- In case your photos will be selected by the curators, you agree to their presentation in the exhibition, book publications and the slideshow, as well as promotional materials (website, social media, press releases, etc. – where possible the picture will be signed with your name and we will add the link to your website). Photos not selected by the curators will not be used by us for anything else then the selection process itself.
- 12 June – 23 July 2017 – the open call [deadline extended: 28.07.2017]
- 23 August 2017 – announcement of the list of selected photographers
- 23-31 August 2017 – time to send the print quality files
- 20 October 2017 – opening of the Eastreet 4 exhibition and the book launch