Eastreet in Chisinau
6 August 2015, 19:00
@ Tipografia 5, Strada Vlaicu Pârcălab 45, Chișinău
Admission free!
We invite you to join a talk and slideshow presenting Eastreet – the project dedicated to street photography from Eastern Europe. It is one of the biggest initiatives of its kind. Almost 20.000 photos were submitted to all three editions by the authors from around the world. So far, over 200 photos by the authors from 22 countries were presented in form of the exhibition and publication. The third edition of Eastreet took place in July 2015 in Lublin, Poland and it was accompanied by an education programme. The talk will be lead by Tomasz Kulbowski, director and originator of the Eastreet project. He will present the photos from all the three editions, discuss the idea and goals behind the project, as well as the process of creating an international event of this scale.